
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size AXXL Boys Clothing - Longs

Page: 1

Item: 3421

Size: AXXL


Page: 1

Weaving is a major method of fabric construction. The technique probably became known before spinning. Spinning developed when people discovered that the raw material could be improved before they were woven. In the course of time, rude looms were made, which were simple and hand-operated, fabrics produced on such looms are also known as hand loom fabrics where every thing is done by hands. The modern power loom used in the textile industry today essentially performs the same operation as the simple hand operated loom. The fabric produced on power looms is made comparitively faster and has few defects in comparison to hand looms.

Eight Head Theory: A grown up human body is divided into eight equal parts, which are equal in height to that of the head. So each part is known as the head. All these eight divisions or heads are as follows : 1st head : From hair to chin or nape of neck.